
How to Stop Your Dog Peeing in the House

It is always frustrating when you find your dog peeing at the corners of the house or anywhere in the house of which this is not normal and you need to train him/her to do this. Whether you have a young puppy whom you want to teach basic manners or an older dog that has some problem behaviors, this guide will help you with ideas on how to stop your dog peeing in the house.

1. Understand the Cause

The first thing you need to do in order to solve this issue is to find out what makes your dog pee inside the house. Common causes include:

  • Incomplete House Training: Newborn puppies as well as other newly adopt dogs may lack comprehension where they should defecate.
  • Medical Issues: Frequent accidents occur due to bladder infections or kidney issues, or diabetes, among others.
  • Behavioral Problems: Only that indoor urination may be caused by stress, anxiety, or territorial marking among others.

One should consult a vet to take off any situations that might be medically related before going for behavior-oriented solutions.

2. Establish a Routine

Another point that dogs should be supervised relates to feeding and going to toilet They love structures and if given a consistent schedule they do not wet or defecate indoors:

  • Regular Potty Breaks: Let your dog out often, particularly after eating and sleeping or after outdoor playing.
  • Designate a Potty Spot: Select a proper place in your yard or at your neighborhood to toilet your pet so that it could understand that it should go to that special place when it needs to make a bathroom.
  • Reward Good Behavior: Avoid punishing your dog when it has not done the right thing by peeing in the right place by instead offering treats and praises.

3. Supervise and Confine

There is nothing more that can be a major disaster for your pet than leaving him or her unsupervised because this will promote accidents in the house while your dog is still young and not fully housetrained.

  • Watch Closely: Always have your eyes on your dog particularly during moments you know will require it to pee. Some of the cues you should recognize include; If your dog starts sniffing the floor, making circles or whining this means they need to go.
  • Crate Training: Beneath the crates, dog food / water dishes can be used as dogs usually do not like to mess up their sleeping area. A crate should only be big enough to accommodate your dog to stand, move around and lie down comfortably.

4. Clean Up Accidents Thoroughly

If your dog should have an accident inside your home always ensure that you wipe it with an enzymatic cleaner. Cleaning solutions which are used to clean floors and carpets may not fully do away with the smell, and smells that remain will make your dog want to urinate again in the same area.

5. Address Behavioral Issues

Stress and anxiety can cause one to urinate in unproper place. Address these underlying issues to help your dog feel secure:

  • Provide a Safe Space: Make a space in your home that would provide a comfortable environment and low noise level to your dog.
  • Desensitize Triggers: If it is feared by noises or unknown people, then, gradually accustom the dog to them, creating a certain regimen.
  • Seek Professional Help: Contact a dog trainer or a behaviorist for advice tailored for your Pomeranian.

6. Avoid Punishment

The last thing you should ever do is punish your dog after an accident has been committed. Stressing, screaming or scolding will only make the problem worse and increase anxiety. However, it is preferred to reinforced and redirect the child’s behavior instead of punishing him or her.

7. Be Patient

This is the reason that house training can be a lengthy process particularly in the instances that you have a puppy or an adult dog for that matter already developed some stubbornness when it comes to going outside to do his business. There should be consistency and small achievements should be quickly rewarded.

Final Thoughts

To train your dog to stop peeing in the house there are things that you must put into consideration which include the following.

When it comes to house-training your dog consider the following tips: In case your dog falls sick consult a vet, set some schedule, always reward positive behavior and be consistent so as to help your dog get well trained on the right behavior to take when it comes to house-training.

If problems continue seek the advice of a specialist and get the proper care not only for your benefit, but also for your animal.

Written by Jen

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